Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Simple Methods to Live Long

By Yenzee Peterson

Living a healthy and long life are the many wishes people make every day. Spending more years with family and friends is more than enough to make one happy. But of course, there are certain things you have to take note of in order to achieve this dream of yours.

Work out at least 30 minutes every day. Working out regularly will not only help you shed off some extra pounds, but it will also build your body. Exercising helps build your muscles, makes your body more flexible and stronger. Simple exercises such as jogging, stretching and walking are good enough as a daily exercise.

Add veggies and fruits to your diet. Normally, people skip the fruits and vegetables and go for junk and fast food. However, as much as possible, incorporate some vegetables and fruits to your daily meals. This is because these healthy foods contain natural vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can dramatically benefit your body. Adding this in your daily meal will make you healthier and have a stronger immune system. Start adding fruit and vegetables into your daily meals.

Trans Fat-rich foods must be avoided. The words 'trans fat' are like danger signs for the body. Foods that contain high amounts of trans fat include, but is not limited to, microwavable foods, crackers, cake mixes and pies. Before cooking or eating these foods, read their containers or boxes and check if they contain trans fat. It is safe to eat them when they don't contain trans fat.

Say goodbye to bad vices. A lot of people these days have one or more vices incorporated in their life. Vices such as smoking and drinking alcohol are commonly seen from people. In order to achieve that dream of having long and healthy years, try and give up your vices. If you can't, reduce them if possible. Drink one glass or two of your drink at least once or twice a week. And instead of using tobacco, use electronic cigarettes for smoking. You can get them at a cheaper price if you use your smoketip discount code.

Get a bit of rest and relaxation. A little time out from work and the many stresses you experience will do wonders for your health. So consider taking a day off and allow yourself to be pampered. Not only will you take a break from the pressures, you also get to relax your mind and body. Use your discount codes like the smoketip discount code if you think that it's too expensive for you. Spending a day at the salon, getting a whole body massage will relax all your tense muscles. This will not require you to think of work and errands.

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