Thursday, August 26, 2010

Leaders do not get distracted from their purpose.

Distractions are killer rabbits. They seem harmless, but they kill your goals as sure as anything else.

Are rabbits dangerous? A farmer went to town in his wagon and had his dog running alongside. Every few hundred yards the dog would take off chasing a rabbit into the woods. Then, a few minutes later, he'd join back up with the wagon.

Over and over this happened. When the farmer finished the six-mile trip in to town, one storekeeper looked at the dog that was panting heavily, staggering, barely able to walk and commented that must have been a really long, hard trip. "Look," he said. "It darn near killed your dog."

The farmer replied, "It wasn't the trip that almost killed my dog. It was the rabbits."

Think about that. Have you been having a hard time with your business? What rabbits have you been chasing?

Perhaps you allowed an unexpected phone call to take you on a side-trip that wasted 10 minutes, and got you no further progress toward your main goal for the day. Perhaps you got hung up doing paperwork that really didn't benefit the bottom line.

Many people think they work hard because they have lots of activities, but very few of them really are those key activities that generate revenue.


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