Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blog title...

Not everything has the same pay off or return on investment for your time. Prioritize the things you have to do in three levels:

-Rocks--the essentials;
-Pebbles--things that need to be done;
-Sand--the everyday things

I like this "Rocks, Pebbles, and Sand" story :-)

Think of a pail or bucket. Put as many rocks in the pail as you can. Now, place in as many pebbles as will fall in around the rocks. Now, pour in as much sand as will fill in around the pebbles.

Think what would happen if you did this in reverse?
You start out with sand, then put a few pebbles on top, and then there wouldn't be any room for rocks.

That's one of the best time management illustrations I've seen. The rocks are what you absolutely have to get done this week. If you don't do a rock in your business or family life, things will fall apart. A rock is critical. A rock has the greatest return on investment.

-- "52 Weekly Lessons in Leadership"

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