Sunday, February 13, 2011

Rings That Demonstrate Your Love

By Russell Montgomery

The Step-by-Step Guides In Getting To Know Men's Promise Rings Better

The first thing you should know is the origin. A while back, mens promise rings were a symbol of organization or constitutional vows. A lot of the people who used these rings have contacts with religion in some form. Usually this is a symbol of commitment for their underlying faith. Besides this there are other eras where people use these rings. 1. In the 1500 era people used these rings to show fidelity and affection for others around them. It was many times exchanged between men and woman with matching styles and designs. These were done by friends as well as between lovers. 2. In the 20th century, this ring became more popular to women. During that time, most people who wear promise rings are women but due to its fashionable designs, later on men also adopted it back and used it. 3. Now in our time they are extremely popular among men.

Second, aside from knowing where men's promise rings originated, you should also be familiar with its purpose or use. The primary purpose of mean who are wearing this kind of ring is to have a proof for their promise. Another kind of promise ring is the purity ring, which is typically worn by individuals who promises that they will have sexual abstinence until get married. A person, as promise to himself or self-preservation or otherwise known as purity, can also wear it. Anybody can wear this ring as long as he would live to the promise. There are also rings that are given to friends, which symbolize a long lasting friendship and strong relationship.

Thirdly, Other types of rings are given that have other symbolic meanings. A very popular ring people use to promise things to others are engagement rings. This ring is a sign that shows that they are serious about deep commitment between the two. They usually come in some kind of pair. There are numerous reasons why people wear these kinds of rings. Some use it to show they are married or to show they are specific to one other only. This shows that he is in love with someone and these are usually worn on the left hands ring finger.

Fourth, when you are planning to buy a men's promise ring and you want to give it as a gift, there are things that you need to consider. It is quite hard to find great gifts for a special kind of occasion and because rings are typically round which means eternity, it is the best gift that you can give for special occasions. Promise rings can represent many things it can be as a promise from child to a parent regarding his studies. It can also be a promise between to close friends that they will finish their studies together and keeping their friendship to last long. Another representation is when a certain employee excels on his job; the company head in charge can give him a ring as a sign of his good merit and appreciation from the company. Ring given to employees can also represent that they are one of employees of the company and gives great accomplishment as well as achievements. If you are given this kind of ring, it definitely means that you are a valued employee of your company and they really appreciate your work. Moreover, of course, another representation is for people who will celebrate their anniversary, which means great and undying love for each other.

Lastly, if you are going to use this kind of ring or give it someone special or close to your heart, it must be very durable because rings are typically used and worn every day. It is best to consider the materials used as well as the design of the ring. The ring should be made of materials with high quality to make sure that they will last long. Being meticulous is quite necessary especially

1. Tungsten carbide is one of the materials used in making rings. Although it sounds quite strange, but this is very durable and the best for men who are doing hard jobs and usually use their bare hands. This kind of metal is not easily scratched and normally comes in gray color, just right for men. 2. Titanium is also a great kind of metal material because it is rust free. This is suitable for men who have a sensitive kind of skin because this material is bio-compatible. Titanium rings are strong but can also be engraved with special message or a name of a person around it. 3. The two tone ring is another great ring. In this ring there is two different materials that give it a totally new look. 4. Using birthstone may seem as a poor kind of choice, but it is very unique in style that also creates an added attachment to the wearer simply because the stone used symbolizes his birth month. It can also be engraved with the owners name and even phrases itself. 5. Other kind of option is by having a ring studded with stones like diamonds and can also be artistically designed, which gives a great look on the ring.

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